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Skills4Performance returns for 2019

Sarah Dickinson | 05 July 2019

The EIS hosted the latest edition of its Skills4Performance training day this weekend (29 June 2019), aimed at providing insight into the work of the EIS to future potential practitioners.

The one-day event brought together between eight and ten potential future practitioners from each of the eight of the EIS’s technical disciplines into a single workshop environment, providing opportunities for attendees to gain greater understanding into the work of the EIS and particularly the focus on multi-disciplinary teams.

The successful 90 applicants for Skills4Performance this year started the morning with a profiling session providing insight into individual working preferences and how these can change under pressure, before with a insight from two Heads of Performance Support working with NGBs about working day-to-day in multi-disciplinary teams, and following that with a session focussing on the athlete perspective. At the end of the day, the attendees divided into their individual disciplines for a final concluding session.

This year’s Skills4Performance was delivered by a team led by Mike Naylor, Head of Performance Nutrition.

Naylor said:

“It has been amazing experience for all of us here in Lilleshall today to so much talent among this year’s Skills4Performance cohort.

“At the EIS we believe strong in the importance of people, and we know that we need to be the best we can be to best support athletes and coaches within sports. As part of that, it is important that we identify and invest in the best talent to come to work at the EIS and Skills4Performance is a key part to how we do that.

“The content we have shared with attendees today has hopefully provided a lot of insight into how the EIS works collectively to support athlete performance. This multi-disciplinary approach is really vital to how we operate effectively, so it is great to be able to share our learnings in this area.

“Given the talent we have seen today, let’s hope we have inspired a few people in the room to apply for future roles at the EIS.”