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Board Sub Committees

The UK Sports Institute Board provides appropriate oversight to the day-to-day leadership of the UKSI. There are a number of sub-committees that advise and report into the Board. You can find out more about these below.

Technical Steering Panel

The Technical Steering Panel is no longer a formal part of the UK Sports Institute’s approach to technical assurance. However, technical assurance remains an important aspect of how we ensure the quality of our delivery. We will provide an update here in due course.

Group Audit and Risk Committee

The Board of UK Sport (UKS) has established a Group Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (GARC) to support them and the Board of the UK Sports Institute (UKSI) in their respective responsibilities for issues of risk, financial control and governance. The Committee will review and provide advice to the Board, and if appropriate the Accounting Officers of both UKS and UKSI, on the comprehensiveness, reliability and integrity of assurances provided. Full terms of reference can be found here.

View the Group Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Terms of Reference

Remuneration and Nomination Committee

The Remuneration and Nomination Committee is a formal sub-committee of the Board and has two main accountabilities: to ensure that there is a formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to the board; and that there is a formal and transparent procedure for developing policy on executive remuneration and for fixing remuneration packages for individual directors.

Chair: Emma Boggis

Members: John Dowson, Matt Rogan

In attendance: Matt Archibald (EIS CEO), Jaqui Perryer (HR Director)

View the Remuneration and Nomination Committee Terms of Reference

Mission Control and Change Committee

A formal sub-committee of the Board, Mission and Change is a mechanism to ensure investment in UKSI delivers the intended impact and value through oversight of UKSI’s execution of its strategy and operational change is planned, executed and monitored effectively with clear alignment to strategic objectives.

View the Mission and Change Terms of Reference